We are accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) to ISO/IEC 17020: 2012 “Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection” for inspection of agricultural products, food & feed stuff, industrial products, automobile & components, ore products, coal & coke products, garment, cosmetics, recycled materials and used machinery.
We are certified by The Canadian Welding Bureau to CSA Standard W178.1 “Certification of Welding Inspection Organization” for welding of building, bridges, industrial structures, machinery, cranes, rail and road vehicles.
We are GAFTA approved superintendent to be engaged in the profession of inspection of agricultural commodities and feedstuffs. We are fully competent to undertake inspection, verifications, examinations, quality and condition assessments, and sampling and measurements of goods traded in accordance with Gafta contract terms and rules.
We are authorized by Canadian Grain Commission as a third-party service provider to offer sampling, inspection and weighing services for grain being received into licensed terminal elevators or discharged from a terminal elevator and received by another terminal elevator in Canada.
We are registered by Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd
(FOSFA) as superintendent member to perform the third-party inspections of oilseeds, oils and fats, i.e. the raw materials being traded in accordance with FOSFA’s standard contracts.
We are accredited by International Accreditation Service (IAS) to ISO/IEC 17024: 2012 “ Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons” for personnel certification program, which is recognized by Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) of International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
We are an Integrity Assessment Organization (AQP-9089) authorized by ABSA (Alberta Boilers Safety Association). Our services cover wide range of industries include but not limited to: Chief Inspector Services, inspection, examination, evaluation, repair certification, failure analysis, and records maintenance on boilers, pressure vessels, piping systems, and tank; acting as an Owners Inspector, and developing and maintaining corrosion circuit on piping.